A Digital Signature Certificate, like hand written signature, establishes the identity of the sender filing the documents through internet which sender cannot revoke or deny. A Digital Signature Certificate is not only a digital equivalent of a hand written signature it adds extra data electronically to any message or a document where it is used to make it more authentic and more secured. Digital Signature also ensures that no alterations are made to the data once the document has been digitally signed. A DSC is normally valid for 1 or 2 years, after which it can be renewed. A Digital Signature is a method of verifying the authenticity of an electronic document.
There are 3 types of Digital Signature Certificates Class-1, Class-2 & Class-3 each having different levels of security.
Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates are used for Income Tax Return e-filing, ROC / MCA 21 matters etc. With Directus you can obtain fresh DSC or renew your expired DSC within minutes.
Documents Needed for Obtaining DSC
- Pan card copy
- Two Passport size photographs
- Address proof
The Time taken
Directus can issue a class 2 DSC within 10 minutes on receipt of completed application